Viet Anh Funny Face

Nice site


Le Huu Viet Anh (Call me Viet-Anh)

Technical Stack

  • JavaScript/Typescript

I am a JavaScript lover, and I particularly enjoy working with TypeScript! I'm always looking for technologies that enable me to work more efficiently and comfortably. Here are some of my favorite tools and technologies:

  • NextJS/ReactJS
  • React Query
  • tRPC
  • Framer Motion/GSAP
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Prisma

In addition, I also work with these other stuff too:

  • HTML
  • CSS/SCSS, styled-components/JSS/emotion
  • Redux, Redux-Observable, RxJS, Redux-Saga, SWR
  • Material UI, Radix
  • React Testing Library, Playwright
  • Jest, Ava, Vitest
  • Solana/Web3
  • ExpressJS/NodeJS
  • Mongoose/MongoDB, MySQL


- Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT/BKU)

  • GPA: 8.32/10 (What is the other purpose of it if not listed here? 🤷‍♂️)


If you're interested in seeing my CV, feel free to email me at

Anonymous Message

Send anything, or test for fun. Thank you for visiting my site. Have a great day.